6 Best Nasturtium Companion Plants To Boost Garden Yields

Do you like to add variety to your landscape with attractive and useful flowers? Nasturtium plants are eye-catching edible flowers that also contribute to the garden’s overall health and beauty.

Knowing which plants to pair in your garden is crucial, and if you stick with me, I’ll share the best and worst plants to pair with nasturtiums.

In this article, you’ll learn how nasturtium companion plants improve your veggie crop and provide visual interest by using a well-established planting strategy.

Key Takeaways

  • Nasturtiums are versatile plants that serve as excellent companion plants, attracting beneficial insects and repelling pests.
  • Some of the best companion plants for nasturtiums include beans, broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, squash, and strawberries.
  • Mint, sage, thyme, and tomatoes should be avoided as companions to nasturtiums due to competition for nutrients or potential overshadowing.

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Understanding Nasturtium and its Benefits

nasturtium companion planting

With their vivid flowers and rich foliage, nasturtiums are a great addition to any garden. These adaptive plants add beauty to any space, and they also provide several practical advantages.

The versatility of nasturtiums means they may be grown in a wide variety of environments, including but not limited to pots, ground cover, vertical structures, and window boxes.

One of the prime benefits is that nasturtiums are edible plants known for their vitamin C content and antibiotic properties. The leaves impart a peppery taste similar to watercress, while the flowers add vibrant colors and mild spice to salads or gourmet dishes.

If you’re into seed saving, the nasturtium seed collection poses an engaging hobby.

However, it’s not just us humans who enjoy these colorful edibles; they attract beneficial insects like hoverflies and pollinators, helping maintain a healthier garden ecosystem. Additionally, nasturtium attracts pests like aphids away from other valuable vegetable plants, acting as ‘trap crops’.

From improving soil fertility through nitrogen fixation to fighting off plant diseases by bringing in beneficial insects, gardening with nasturtium has plenty more advantages than meets the eye!

Benefits of Companion Planting Nasturtiums

Companion planting is a timeless horticultural practice that has proven benefits for your garden. It involves the strategic placement of selected plants near one another, leveraging their natural characteristics to create mutually beneficial relationships.

Nasturtiums, for instance, stand out as some of the best plants you can introduce to your green space. They not only improve the aesthetic appeal with their bright blooms but also play an active role in pest prevention by attracting aphids and squash bugs away from other crops like tomatoes and squash, acting as effective trap crops.

They invite helpful insects such as pollinators and hoverflies, which prey on common pests like aphids, thus fostering a healthier garden environment. There’s more! With nasturtiums near your vegetables, including broccoli, cabbages, radishes, or cucumbers, it enhances their flavor while ensuring they stay healthy and fertile, proving that companion planting goes beyond just boosting visual appeal to enriching both our gardens and palates!

Characteristics Of Nasturtium

Plant Family
Watering Conditions
Well-draining soil, allow soil to dry between waterings
Mature Size
Typically 1-3 feet tall
Soil Requirements
Average, well-draining soil; pH 6.0-7.5
Sunlight Needs
Full sun to light shade
Temperature Tolerance
Warm-weather annual, sensitive to frost; thrives in USDA zones 3-11
Growth Habit
Annual vine or trailing plant
Flowering Period
Spring to fall, depending on variety
Flower Color
Varied colors including red, orange, yellow, and more
Foliage Characteristics
Rounded, shield-like leaves
Propagation Methods
Seeds (direct sowing)
Pruning and Maintenance
Deadhead spent flowers to promote continuous blooming; trim to control size
Common Pests and Diseases
Few pest or disease issues; aphids or caterpillars may occasionally appear
Companion Planting
Beans, squash, tomatoes, and other vegetables
Edible Parts
Edible leaves, flowers, and seeds (peppery taste, often used in salads)
Wildlife Attraction
Nasturtium flowers attract pollinators like bees and butterflies; leaves can host caterpillars
Generally non-toxic, but parts of plant can have a peppery taste
Special Care Instructions
Nasturtiums are easy to grow; provide support for climbing varieties; may reseed

6 Best Nasturtium Companion Plants

nasturtium companion plants

When you begin planning your garden, knowing the right plants to put near each other is crucial to their development. Here are some of the top companion plants that thrive alongside nasturtiums. From beans to strawberries, these plants form a harmonious union in your garden for healthier growth and fewer pests.

1. Beans

Nasturtiums and beans are a dynamic duo in the garden. The prolific growth of nasturtiums serves to attract common pests like aphids and squash bugs, working as trap crops that keep these harmful insects away from your precious bean plants.

Additionally, they help enrich the soil with nitrogen and maintain optimal pH levels, boosting bean growth. Not only does this valuable partnership create a healthier garden ecosystem, but it also gives you bountiful yields of both companion plants season after season.

2. Broccoli and Cabbage

Broccoli and cabbage are excellent companions for nasturtiums in the garden. When planted together, these vegetables benefit from each other’s presence. Nasturtiums act as a protective shield for broccoli and cabbage, warding off pests like aphids and squash bugs.

Additionally, nasturtiums attract beneficial bugs such as pollinators and hoverflies, which prey on common pests that affect broccoli and cabbage plants. The proximity of nasturtiums also improves soil fertility, providing the necessary nutrients for healthy growth.

With this dynamic duo in your garden, you can enjoy thriving crops of broccoli and cabbage while adding vibrant color with edible nasturtium flowers to your dishes!

3. Cucumbers

Nasturtiums benefit greatly from having cucumbers nearby. Planting nasturtiums and cucumbers together will improve your garden’s soil and make it more fertile.

Nasturtiums have deep roots that help break up compacted soil, allowing water and nutrients to reach the cucumber plants’ roots more easily.

In addition to improving soil health, nasturtiums also repel pests that commonly affect cucumber plants. By planting these two together, you can naturally deter cucumber beetles, whiteflies, and other harmful insects.

Nasturtiums act as trap crops by attracting aphids or squash bugs away from your precious cucumbers.

Additionally, helpful insects like pollinators and hoverflies are attracted to nasturtium flowers. These beneficial creatures not only aid with pollination, but they also eat pests like aphids. Due to their ease of care and cultivation, nasturtiums and cucumbers are two of their favorite flowers.

4. Radishes

Radishes are an excellent companion plant for nasturtiums, providing a range of benefits in the garden. Not only do radishes help keep pests away from both plants, but they also contribute to soil health.

You can shield your garden from insects that could otherwise cause damage by planting radishes. Also, nasturtiums and radishes complement each other well in the garden, leading to enhanced quality and taste in your garden’s veggies.

Both plants benefit from the relationship, so if you’re looking for a productive combination in companion planting and you like eating radishes, consider growing a few alongside your nasturtiums.

5. Squash

Squash is another favorite and makes a great companion plant for nasturtiums. To start with, squash plants have natural pest-deterrent properties that will help you keep unwanted pests out of your garden.

Nasturtiums are a favorite snack for aphids, but if you plant squash close by, these pests will avoid your plants. Because of the physical barrier that the squash plants provide, pests like aphids or squash bugs won’t eat your nasturtiums.

Their trailing vines and colorful fruits add aesthetic value to your garden while acting as a protective barrier for the other plants in the area.

6. Strawberries

Strawberries make excellent companion plants for nasturtiums in your garden. They look fantastic next to each other and offer a ton of benefits.

Strawberries with nasturtiums attract pollinators, boost taste, and increase production. Strawberry fruits rely on hoverflies, which nasturtiums attract.

Also, nasturtiums act as trap crops, diverting pests like aphids away from strawberries and keeping them healthy and pest-free. Plus, both strawberries and nasturtium flowers are edible, making them perfect additions to fresh salads or decorative garnishes for your culinary creations.

Worst Plants To Grow With Nasturtiums

companion plants for nasturtium

There are also several plants you’ll want to steer clear of around nasturtiums. Avoid planting mint, sage, thyme, and tomatoes with nasturtiums, as they can compete for nutrients and hinder the growth of both plants.

1. Mint

Mint’s pleasant scent and various applications make it a popular herb in gardens. However, when pairing nasturtiums with other plants, be cautious.

Mint has a tendency to spread quickly and can easily take over nearby plants if not kept in check. This rapid growth can smother the delicate nasturtiums and hinder their development.

To ensure successful companion planting, it’s advisable to avoid pairing mint with your beautiful nasturtiums. Keep each plant’s space needs in mind for a harmonious garden environment that allows both to thrive.

2. Sage

Sage, with its strong and aromatic characteristics, may not be the best companion plant for nasturtiums. While both plants have their benefits individually, growing them together can lead to an imbalance in your garden.

Sage has a tendency to take control if not planted carefully, potentially overpowering and overshadowing the delicate nasturtiums. It’s important to consider the space and growth requirements of both plants before deciding on their companionship.

To ensure a harmonious garden, it’s best to keep sage separate from your lovely nasturtiums.

3. Thyme

When planting thyme and nasturtiums together, care must be taken because of thyme’s strong scent. Thyme can quickly take over a garden if it is not contained, so making sure it has plenty of room to grow is essential.

While thyme can make a great companion plant for other herbs and vegetables, planting it too close to your nasturtiums may lead to overpowering growth that could overshadow these beautiful flowers.

So remember to consider the growth habits of both plants and provide adequate spacing when incorporating thyme into your garden alongside your vibrant nasturtiums.

4. Tomato

Tomatoes may not be the best companion plant for nasturtiums, as they have similar nutrient requirements and can compete for resources, leading to stunted growth. While nasturtiums are known for their ability to attract helpful bugs that help control pests like aphids, planting them near tomatoes may lead to a conflict of interest.

If you wish to grow these two together, make sure they have enough space and support. This is going to reduce competition and improve the growth environment.

Final Thoughts

As a beautiful and useful companion plant, nasturtiums can do wonders for your yard. The advantages are apparent since they range from protecting against pests and luring helpful insects to boosting soil fertility and crop flavor.

Include these colorful nasturtiums in your garden for a wonderful companion planting experience with beans, broccoli, cucumbers, or any other appropriate crops.

FAQs About Companion Planting With Nasturtiums

What Should Not Be Planted Next To Nasturtiums?

Nasturtiums should not be planted near brassica family crops (e.g., cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower), as they can attract pests like cabbage worms that may harm these vegetables.

Can Nasturtiums Be Planted With All Vegetables?

Nasturtiums make excellent companions and work best with beans, cucumbers, radishes, and tomatoes. They repel insects and help companion plants develop.

Where Should I Plant Nasturtiums In My Vegetable Garden?

Nasturtiums should be sown around or between vegetable rows. This approach repels pests and attracts beneficial insects.

Can I Plant Nasturtiums With Lettuce?

Yes, nasturtiums can be planted with lettuce. They are compatible companions, and nasturtiums can help deter pests that may affect lettuce while adding a splash of color to the garden.

How do nasturtiums improve soil health?

Nasturtiums have deep roots that help break up compacted soil and improve drainage. They also release compounds into the soil that inhibit the growth of certain weeds and act as a natural fertilizer by fixing nitrogen in the soil.

Do nasturtiums attract any harmful insects or pests?

In spite of nasturtiums’ reputation for keeping pests at bay, these flowers have been known to draw in unwanted insects like aphids and caterpillars. Pests can be kept from infesting other plants in your garden by careful monitoring and control tactics like hand-picking.

What are the best companion plants for nasturtium?

Some of the best companion plants for nasturtium include marigolds, tomato plants, and vegetables.

Can nasturtiums grow well in full sun?

Yes, nasturtiums thrive in full sun and prefer well-drained soil.

What are the benefits of companion planting with nasturtiums?

Nasturtiums are a great choice for companion planting since they may protect other plants from pests, draw in good bugs, and increase crop yields.

How do I grow nasturtiums from seeds?

Planting nasturtium seeds straight into the soil in the spring and giving them plenty of water will ensure their success.

Can I plant nasturtiums in partial shade?

Nasturtiums do best in full sun but may also grow in partial shade. However, this could cause fewer blooms.

What are the varieties of nasturtiums available?

There are many varieties of nasturtiums available, including ‘Empress of India’, ‘Alaska’, and ‘Jewel Mix’.

Should I sow nasturtium seeds directly or start them indoors?

It is best to sow nasturtium seeds directly into the garden bed, as they do not transplant well.