Let’s talk about the two Queens of the Pothos: Namely the Snow Queen vs Marble Queen Pothos. Both are variegated Pothos species, and each has similarly shaped leaves with pale markings.
Though their foliage may look almost identical, it is crucial to understand which one you own because their care differs greatly. Read on to find out the key differences between these two Pothos favorites.
- Botanical Names or Nicknames:
- Difference Between Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos Introduction
- Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos Quick Guide
- Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos Care
- How to Propagate Snow Queen And Marble Queen Pothos
- Common Problems with Snow Queen And Marble Queen Pothos
- Snow Queen And Marble Queen Pothos FAQ
Botanical Names or Nicknames:
These plants are varieties of the evergreen vine, known as Epipremnum aureum or Devil’s ivy. You may recognize the Snow Queen by its other name: the Taro vine or more commonly, Devil’s Ivy.
Marble Queen also has many nicknames: Ceylon creeper, Hunter’s Robe, Ivy arum, Silvervine, Solomon Islands ivy, and also Taro vine.
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Difference Between Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos Introduction
The main differences in appearance between Snow Queen and Marble Queen are the leaf variegation, texture, and shape.
They also vary in their growth habits which, consequently, creates differences in how often they need watering. Read below to learn how to tell them apart.
Leaf Color
As the name suggests, the Snow Queen has whiter, more vibrant markings when compared to the Marble Queen’s creamier shades.
The Marble Queen’s coloring is a ratio of about 50% green and 50% white, and its leaves appear a darker, rich green compared to the Snow Queen’s brighter, more dazzling hues.
Leaf Texture and Shape
These plants share the same heart-shaped leaves and telling them apart relies on the differences between leaf texture and translucency.
The Snow Queen has glossy leaves that are waxier and slightly translucent. The Marble Queen’s leaves are softer and barely translucent at all.
Growth Rate
Mature Marble Queen is significantly bigger than the Snow Queen. The vines of a fully grown Marble Queen – either trailing or climbing – can reach lengths of up to 5 feet whereas Snow Queen vines may only trail or climb to a maximum of 3 feet.
However, while the Marble Queen can grow longer, the Snow Queen grows much more quickly. It is most likely you will need to prune Snow Queen more often to keep unruly vines at bay.
Knowing when and how often to water these two types of Pothos is possibly the biggest differentiator between the two distinct species.
Snow Queen can be incredibly sensitive to overwatering and vulnerable to fungal diseases. Whereas Marble Queen is typically much greedier, appreciating deeper, more frequent waterings.
For the Snow Queen, I water it once every week and a half. I stick my finger ½ inch into the soil to check if it’s dry.
For the Marble Queen, I water it once a week. It absorbs water faster due to the higher amount of chlorophyll from the higher ratio of green leaves. Do the same finger test that you used for the Snow Queen.
For both plants, if the soil is dry ½ inch into the soil, it’s time to water.
Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos Quick Guide
- Position: Bright, indirect, natural light
- Watering: Snow Queen: every 10 to 14 days, Marble Queen: every 5 to 7 days
- Size: Snow Queen: 3 feet, Marble Queen: 5 feet
- Climate: Not cold hardy, 65 to 85 degrees
- Propagation: Stem cutting
- Seasonality: Spring and Summer
- Toxicity: toxic to pets and children
- Flowers: Flower stalks resembling a peace lily flower
Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos Care
The easiest way to tell these two plants apart is by inspecting the coloring in their leaves. Sure, they both have the same size foliage but it’s the variegation that helps to tell them apart.
The leaves of Marble Queen contain more chlorophyll, and this makes them grow faster and use more energy. Snow Queen contain less chlorophyll in their leaves and as a result, grow slower, and less need to expend as much energy.
This seemingly small distinction between the two species has a big impact on their watering habits and also where they should be positioned in terms of sun exposure.
Both these plants are variegated. It’s the variegation that sets them apart most easily and helps determine the differences that occur between their care habits.
When a plant has variegated leaves, it just means that the leaves are edged or patterned with a second color, usually white and green.
The leaves of Snow Queen are overall more white and this white hue is bright and dazzling. In comparison, the leaves of Marble Queen are 50% green and 50% white. The areas of green are a rich, deep shade, compared to a creamier shade in the lighter patches.
The areas of leaves that are white or cream contain less chlorophyll compared to the green areas. Chlorophyll is the chemical in plants that turns into energy and helps the plant grow. Its sunlight provides this energy and is needed in order for plants to survive.
In essence, the extent to which a plant is variegated or whether it contains any degree of variegation at all dictates the care requirements for that plant.
For example, you can’t treat your variegated Pothos the exact same as your Satin Pothos. Even though they are in the same plant family, they still require different care.
One care consideration that is the same for both of these plants is where they should be positioned for maximum growing potential. Neither can tolerate direct sunlight, with both preferring a bright room that is free from draughts.
It is possible to grow Pothos in low light conditions, however, growth will be slower. In addition, they will begin to lose their variegation in an effort to produce more chlorophyll to compensate for this slow growth.
For the Snow Queen, place in partial light for at least 6 hours per day and avoid exposure to any direct sunlight.
For the Marble Queen, place it in a naturally bright room, once again, avoiding direct sunlight.
Remember to rotate your Pothos every few days to encourage even growth.
If you choose to use grow lights during the winter months to keep plants warm and increase light, make sure to keep the bulb 1 to 2 feet away from your plant. This will help to avoid scorching of leaves.
Height & Spread
Snow Queen grows at a faster rate, but vines are shorter, reaching a maximum length of 3 feet and a maximum spread of 2 feet.
The opposite is true for the growing characteristics of Marble Queen. This variety of Pothos can grow vines as long as 5 feet although the spread is the same at 2 feet.
You can limit vertical growth by choosing not to report your plants to larger pots or planters.
Both are good climbers and also do well as trailing plants in hanging pots or window box displays.
Prune back any ‘leggy’ growth or alternatively, poke the tips of longer stems into the soil and secure with a bobby pin. After a short time, the tips will form roots and will continue to grow. Your plant will look fuller in appearance.
Both of these plants will tell you when they need to be watered if you pay attention! Look for visual cues. For example, droopy pothos or dry topsoil is likely to mean your pothos needs a drink of water.
To check if a Pothos needs water, insert your finger in the soil. If the soil is dry then your pothos needs water. If the soil is still soggy or even damp, check back in a few days.
I find that my Pothos needs watering more frequently in the spring and summer. Their soil will dry out faster because of the heat and because they are using more energy to grow!
Snow Queen: Be cautious when watering because this plant is much more susceptible to root fungi and viruses. Watering every 10 to 15 days should be sufficient but if it’s hot and humid outside, chances are your Pothos will need more frequent watering.
Marble Queen: When watering, make sure the soil is dry, and then water lightly and slowly.
In both cases, allow the water to drain out through the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. I find that it’s best to check the soil every once in a while, instead of sticking to a strict watering schedule.
A common question that I get about my Pothos’ is “should I mist them?” The short answer is that Pothos grow bigger and faster in the 50-70% humidity range.
The longer answer is that it depends on the humidity levels of where you live. For example, high-altitude regions typically equal low humidity in which case you’ll need to supplement the amount of humidity you expose your plant to if you want it to thrive. Misting is one way to increase humidity levels.
Just be aware that if you live somewhere where the humidity is high, misting your plants could cause mold and pests to appear due to the excess moisture. Your plant could also be in danger of root rot.
When it comes to the soil for Pothos, choose a high-quality, well-draining potting mix. Nothing too dense because the water will have trouble draining. Pothos that are exposed to soggy soil can lead to root rot.
Adding perlite or grit to soil can help to improve drainage if you find your soil is retaining too much moisture and remains soggy for prolonged periods of time.
In the wild Pothos can produce flowers that stalk together, each with a cream spathe marked with purple surrounding the spadix. It looks very similar to the peace lily’s flower.
It is rare to see flowers on Pothos grown indoors because they simply don’t grow as large, and they are often pruned back and kept to a more contained size.
How to fertilize
Neither Snow Queen nor Marble Queen are heavy feeders and consequently don’t require much fertilizer. Because of their hardy nature, there are only a few cases where I would use fertilizer.
The peak growing season for Pothos is in the spring and summer, and I fertilize them around that time to encourage new growth further.
I find that using a diluted houseplant feed such as a 10-10-10 fertilizer provides the best results.
Over-fertilizing causes pothos yellow leaves and is a common problem both for Marble Queen and Snow Queen. It’s where excess fertilizer compounds build up in the soil. To avoid making this mistake use a fertilizer with a low N-P-K ratio and always read the package instructions carefully.
To avoid a build-up of these compounds always water between feeding and allow excess water to drain through the drainage holes at the bottom of the container.
This process is commonly referred to as ‘flushing out’ or ‘leeching’. Slowly and steadily pour twice the amount of water the pot can hold over the soil being careful not to flood the pot. Make sure your plant is totally dry before its next watering.
Both for Snow Queen and Marble Queen it is best to prune yellowing or dying leaves. This will enhance appearance as well as limit that ‘leggy’ or spindly look.
Plants benefit from pruning because energy is diverted into new shoots rather than focusing efforts on dead or dying growth.
It’s important to clean your shears or scissors thoroughly so that you avoid infection. You’ll want to cut ¼ inch above each leaf on the vine you are pruning.
Both of these plants only require repotting when they are pot-bound. If their leaves look a little droopy – and you are sure your plant is not underwatered – take your plant out of the pot to check the roots.
If the roots are white and healthy and hold the shape of the pot, it is time to report!
It’s best to report during their growth season because repotting causes some stress on your plants. I usually fertilize my newly repotted plants a week after I’ve moved them just to help them recover faster.
How to Propagate Snow Queen And Marble Queen Pothos
Pothos are my favorite plants to propagate. It’s a quick and easy process and results are pretty much guaranteed.
Simply use clean shears to cut off 4 to 6 inches from a healthy vine. Be sure to use a cutting that has a node on it.
Place the cuttings in water. I use distilled water because the chlorine levels in tap water can be too strong and stunt your plant’s growth.
I personally like water propagation better because I like to visually track my plant’s progress, but you can also propagate in the soil.
If you are propagating Pothos in soil, place 2/3 of the cutting straight into the soil and lay the remainder on top of the soil.
Keep the soil evenly moist and the roots will begin to sprout from the nodes.
Make sure that you don’t pack down the soil too much because there won’t be enough air in the soil. It’s best to plant several rooted cuttings together in a pot.
Common Problems with Snow Queen And Marble Queen Pothos
The number one threat to both of your Queens is over-watering. If you are having a hard time gauging your plant’s water levels, you can buy a soil moisture meter from any home and garden store. This is especially helpful if you are just starting your plant journey.
Root Rot
These plants are very susceptible to fungus and root rot. Root rot occurs when you’ve overwatered your plants and the roots sit in waterlogged soil instead of draining.
This standing water makes your roots more prone to bacteria, viruses, and death. To help prevent this, make sure your pots have proper drainage holes.
If you suspect root rot, it’s best to act quickly. Take your plant out of its pot and use your hands to check for brown, mushy roots. If you see them, carefully cut them away with clean shears until only the white, healthy roots are left.
You should also cut away any diseased leaves before you repot with new soil.
Thrips and Mealybugs
Thrips and Mealybugs are unwelcome houseplant pests that can quickly take over your plants if action is not taken.
Thrips are as fat as a sewing needle and mealybugs are small, cotton-like growths on your plant’s stems and leaves. You can easily remove these pests by applying alcohol on a cotton swab and wiping away all visible traces of the infestation.
Be careful to catch them quickly. While Thrips pose no immediate danger, if they are carrying a virus or bacteria, that could be detrimental to your plant.
If you want to use a more organic option, you can use insecticidal soap to wash your plant leaves and stems. Make sure to test the solution on one leaf before you put it on the whole plant.