What Will Roundup Kill in Your Backyard | A-Z

Roundup is a broad-spectrum herbicide, and it’s generally known as one of the most popular herbicides in the world. When herbicide is described as being broad-spectrum, it means it can be applied to a variety of plants and weeds.

If you’re looking to eradicate something in your backyard, it’s important to know that Roundup will actually kill it. If that isn’t the case, then you should look for an alternative herbicide.

In this article, I’ll be taking a look at a variety of plants to find out what Roundup will kill in your backyard.

What Does Roundup Kill A-Z

Here are some of the most common questions I get asked about RoundUp application.

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Will Roundup Kill Bamboo?

Bamboo is a plant that can spread around your yard very quickly. However, using Roundup can control bamboo, as it kills the plant. Because of the speed of spreading and the relative hardiness of the plant, you might need to apply it more than once, though.

On top of using Roundup, it would be smart to dig the plant and its entire root structure out of the ground and destroy it – the combination of these strategies should eradicate bamboo from your yard.

Will Roundup Kill Bermuda Grass?

Bermuda grass can be a highly invasive plant and an aggressive grower. However, the good news is that Roundup can kill Bermuda grass if that’s what you’re looking to achieve.

The strategy for removal is similar to bamboo – you’ll likely need to apply it several times to eradicate it completely. Accompany the Roundup with shade – Bermuda grass is weaker and grows more slowly when it’s not in direct sunlight.

Keep in mind that Bermuda grass can grow through the shrubbery, so growing it near shrubs won’t help to keep it contained.

Will Roundup Kill Blackberry Bushes?

Yes, Roundup will definitely kill blackberry bushes, and it’s actually recommended as a top-choice herbicide for blackberries. The bad news is that blackberries are very hardy plants and eradicating them from your backyard can often prove very difficult.

The only method effective for the long term is the combination of herbicides and tillage – ripping the blackberry out of the soil and destroying it. Burning or mowing the bush won’t help as it will just regrow.

Will Roundup Kill Creeping Charlie?

The best method of killing creeping Charlie is the use of herbicides. Roundup will definitely kill creeping Charlie, and it is in fact used as a specific example of its effects on their website.

Creeping Charlie isn’t a hardy plant, but it is a very fast spreader and the most effective method of keeping it at bay is the use of pesticides, studies say.

Will Roundup Kill Duckweed?

Roundup will kill duckweed, but it isn’t a viable option for big infestations. This is a glyphosate-based herbicide, that kills anything it comes in contact with and it is generally administered with the use of a pump or backpack sprayer

Using this on duckweed means that you’re only killing the top layer of the weed. In order to be effective, the herbicide needs to penetrate the roots too.

If you have a small infestation or just a single layer of duckweed, though, then Roundup is a good choice.

Will Roundup Kill Daylilies?

Using Roundup to kill daylilies is a good solution, as these plants are easy to kill by more or less any herbicide. 

Make sure that you’re not spraying anything else, though, as Roundup is a broad-spectrum herbicide, capable of killing many plant species including neighboring plants that you’d prefer to keep. 

Digging the daylilies up after killing them is also a smart idea. This will ensure that their thick tubers are unable to re-grow.  

Will Roundup Kill English Ivy?

The best way to kill English ivy is through the use of glyphosate-based herbicides, which means that Roundup is the best choice for killing these plants. 

Fast-acting formulations of herbicides are the worse choice for control, as it is easy to burn the leaves before the herbicide gets to kill the roots.

For best results apply Roundup in the spring before the active growing season gets underway.

Will Roundup Kill Evergreen Trees?

Yes, but it will take A LOT of time. Roundup can kill young trees in a few weeks (depending on the size of the tree), but it can take months to kill a mature tree. 

Given the massive amounts of herbicide you have to use to kill a tree, it’d be better to leave this one to professional gardeners.

Will Roundup Kill Grass?

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Roundup will definitely kill your grass, which is its biggest disadvantage. You have to be very careful when applying this herbicide, as it will kill almost any plant if sprayed on it. 

However, the manufacturers addressed this problem and created a Roundup for lawns, which kills everything except for grass!

Will Roundup Kill Honeysuckle?

Glyphosate-based herbicides are the recommended method of control for honeysuckle, making Roundup the best choice for this plant. 

You should apply the herbicide in the fall when vegetation becomes dormant. It can be applied both to the foliage and to the soil.

Will Roundup Kill Johnson Grass?

This herbicide is often used to kill Johnson grass, but that’s only one part of the job. To fully eradicate it, you have to cut seed panicles, while herbicides – such as Roundup – work best with plants that are about 18 inches tall, which means that they’re close to their flowering phase. 

Will Roundup Kill Kudzu?

Roundup will definitely kill kudzu and it is the recommended herbicide to use in residential areas because of the sensitivity of other plants, as well as pets and people. 

While Roundup recommends their products for application on kudzu on their website, glyphosate is typically not as effective in eradicating kudzu as other herbicides.

Will Roundup Kill Moss?

Surprisingly – no, Roundup cannot kill moss. Moss is very hardy, and glyphosate doesn’t have the same effect on it as it does on other plants. Effective products are usually products containing iron. However, glyphosate-based herbicides are completely ineffective at killing moss. 

Keep in mind that moss acts like a weed and you can expect it to return even after eradicating it.

Will Roundup Kill Mushrooms?

Roundup will not kill mushrooms. After extensive testing, it was determined that glyphosate doesn’t have negative effects on any fungi. 

This should go without saying, but, you should never eat mushrooms (or any other plant for that matter) that may have come in contact with a herbicide.

Will Roundup Kill Monkey Grass?

Using Roundup to kill monkey grass is the easiest and the most effective way of killing it. Glyphosate is a generalist killer and it’s very effective with weeds and grasses, as well as some hardier plants. 

Monkey grass can easily regrow, though, so you might need to reapply the herbicide again and again.

Will Roundup Kill Nutsedge?

Herbicides are the best way of controlling nutsedge, but Roundup isn’t a good choice for this plant. 

Since Nutsedge is not a broadleaf weed, it requires a herbicide that contains Halosulfuron or Sulfentrazone as active ingredients to be effective. Roundup products do not have these active ingredients (at least not for now), so they won’t be effective with nutsedge.

Will Roundup Kill Ornamental Grasses?

Yes, Roundup will kill ornamental grasses. They’re actually very easy to kill, and any glyphosate-based herbicide will burn them from the inside. 

It’s best to spray it directly on the plant and make sure that no surrounding plants are sprayed. You can also use herbicides containing Pelargonic acid or diquat dibromide as their active ingredient.

Will Roundup Kill Poison Ivy?

Roundup will kill poison ivy, but not on its own. You need to cut the vine above ground level and treat the stump of the plant with glyphosate-based herbicides, such as Roundup. Use Roundup on the leaves only if they reemerge.

When it comes to poison ivy that hasn’t started to climb on trees and other plants, you can just spray it with glyphosate and it should die quickly.

Will Roundup Kill Pine Trees?

Roundup is capable of killing pine trees, as it’s capable of killing all evergreen plants, but the exact application depends on the maturity of the tree. 

It can kill an adult tree, but it’s going to take months (possibly up to a year) to kill a tree. Young trees usually succumb to the herbicide’s effects quickly.

Will Roundup Kill Palm Trees?

Yes, Roundup can kill palm trees, but it’s going to be very difficult. Palm trees are very difficult to kill, and the only way to kill a palm tree is to drill holes in the trunk and pour the solution directly into the tree. 

It’s possible that not even this could be enough to take care of your problem, which is why calling professionals might be the best way to go about this.

Will Roundup Kill Rose Bushes?

Any herbicide containing glyphosate is lethal for roses and will kill a bush very quickly. Applying Roundup on foliage is a guaranteed way of killing roses, both wild, weed-like bushes, and domestic roses. 

If you have weeds intertwined with your roses, do not use Roundup on them, as you’ll most definitely kill your roses too.

Will Roundup Kill Raspberry Plants?

Raspberries are susceptible to glyphosate-based herbicides, including Roundup, making it a great choice for eradicating these plants from your garden – if that is your desire. 

You might need to do this on a yearly basis as raspberries start new shoots every year, so they can spread quite quickly if you don’t react fast enough.

Will Roundup Kill Shrubs?

Roundup was specifically created to kill a wide array of plants, and most shrubs belong in the category of plants killed by glyphosate. In fact, Roundup was intended to be the go-to herbicide whenever you have to kill weeds or shrubs. Despite the size of some shrubs, they are actually ‘weak’ plants, susceptible to most herbicides.

Applying it on the leaves will most definitely kill the shrubs in your garden, but given how quickly some shrubs grow, you might need to apply it several times.

Will Roundup Kill Stinging Nettles?

Most Roundup products cannot kill stinging nettles because of the glyphosate concentration (which is usually 41%). Stinging nettles need a 2% glyphosate solution to kill the plant. You should dilute your Roundup solution to kill this plant.

Since stinging nettles start their new shoots from the roots, glyphosate herbicides are the best choice for them as they burn them down to the root.

Will Roundup Kill Trees?

This depends on the tree and the answer is both yes and no. Spraying Roundup on an adult tree, be it on purpose or by accident, won’t kill it. 

To kill an adult tree, you would need to consistently apply Roundup. However, if you spray a young, still unestablished tree, you’re likely going to kill it. Roundup is a very effective way of killing young, unwanted trees.

Will Roundup Kill Thistles?

Roundup will definitely kill thistle, but you have to be very careful when doing this. Thistle is known to grow in lawns, and spraying it with regular Roundup will kill both the thistle and your lawn. 

Instead of doing that, get Roundup for Lawns – it is specifically made not to kill the grass.

Will Roundup Kill Vines?

Glyphosate-based herbicides are made specifically for killing weeds. The vines overcrowding your backyard are most likely some species of weed, and most of them can be easily killed by Roundup. 

Using Roundup will burn it from the inside and destroy the roots, preventing it from spreading. Roundup won’t work that well on woody vines. Instead, use a triclopyr-based herbicide to see effective results.

Will Roundup Kill Wild Onions?

Yes, Roundup can kill wild onions, but it’s going to be a very tough fight. Their leaves are glossy, and this structure makes it difficult for herbicides to adhere. 

You’re likely going to have to apply the herbicide multiple times before it takes effect. It would also be smart to mow the wild onions before applying herbicides, as it will make the plant intake the herbicide more easily.

Will Roundup Kill Zoysia Grass?

Zoysia grass can definitely be killed by Roundup. Any 41% glyphosate herbicide can kill it actually, as they function in almost the same way as most weeds. 

It’s best to use Roundup for Lawns in this case, as zoysia grass is known to grow on the lawn or at least adjacent to it, making it very easy to accidentally kill your own grass.

Using Roundup Safely at Home

Aside from talking about the actual method of application, safety should always come first when you’re working with herbicides.

Some herbicides are hazardous to all plants, not only the plant you’re targeting, but they can also be hazardous to pets and people!

In this section, we’ll go over all the dangers to keep in mind when working with Roundup (and other herbicides, for that matter) and methods of application.

How to Use Herbicides Safely

Safety comes first, and here are all the things to keep in mind when using herbicides.

Firstly, inspect the area where you’ll apply herbicides. Whether you’re spraying them on or pouring them, herbicide molecules can be carried by air and affect other plant life. With broad-spectrum herbicides like Roundup, this means plants you didn’t mean to kill can die too.

Secondly, make sure that no one else is around – this includes family members, especially children, and pets.

Thirdly, wear safety gear. This means goggles and often (but not always) a mask. Getting herbicides (or pesticides) in your eyes will sting, at the very least, and in some extreme examples (depending on how hazardous they are, how sensitive the eyes are, and how much of the solution got in the eyes), can lead to permanent blindness.

A mask has to be worn with some herbicides because it’s dangerous to inhale them. All of these precautions are usually listed on the label of the solution, but you can also find them on the manufacturer’s website.

It’s best not to spray on windy days as wind will definitely carry the molecules to other areas. It would also be unwise to eat or drink before thoroughly washing your hands after the use of pesticides.

Do not ever mix different herbicides in an attempt to make a more potent mixture and don’t use more herbicides than necessary. Lastly, read the instructions for mixing and application carefully – they’re there for a reason and shouldn’t be ignored.

You may like to read How Long After Spraying Roundup Can I Plant

How to Apply Herbicides

After choosing the best time of day to apply herbicides, you have to mix them according to the instructions on the label. Different herbicides have different herbicide-to-water ratios. Herbicides are most often diluted in water.

Spray the herbicide on the foliage of the plant you want to eradicate. 

After spraying all the plants, you’ll need to clean your sprayer after using Roundup. If there’s any excess herbicide mix in it, feel free to flush it. Clean the sprayer with warm water and soap.

Depending on the hardiness of the plant and the strength of the herbicide, you might have to apply the pesticide several times.

When Should I Call the Professionals?

Some herbicides are so strong and dangerous that you need special licenses to use them. Not all professional gardeners have these licenses, so make sure you find the ones that do.

Calling a gardener is the smart solution if you have weeds that keep coming back no matter what you do, or if you have a particularly hardy plant, such as a tree, that you want to kill – amateurs often can’t handle these cases.