How To Get Rid Of Mushrooms In Your Yard Naturally (9 Quick Tips)

Are mushrooms popping up in your yard? Knowing how to get rid of mushrooms in yards is crucial for enhancing lawn health.

Mushrooms are undesirable on a well-kept lawn. They can pose risks to pets or children and emit odors that attract flies, compounding the issues.

To get rid of mushrooms in your yard, you can remove organic debris, opt for morning watering over the afternoon, or apply fungicide to target hidden spores.

Key Takeaways

  • Mushrooms in lawns and yards result from airborne fungi spores landing and growing in damp, shaded areas with organic material.
  • To prevent mushroom growth, consider actions like enhancing lawn drainage, dethatching, removing organic debris, morning watering, high-nitrogen fertilization, or fungicide use.
  • Although many yard mushrooms are safe, some can be toxic, leading to severe illness or even death. It’s vital to educate children about avoiding wild mushrooms.

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Why do Mushrooms Grow in Lawns?

To Get Rid Of Mushrooms in Lawns

Mushrooms growing in your yard result from airborne spores landing and growing beneath damp soil.

Mushrooms thrive in conditions like overgrown lawns, areas with fallen leaves, grass clippings, or scattered organic debris in your yard.

Mushroom Ecology

Mushrooms aid in breaking down soil organics into nutrients for your lawn.

Seeing mushrooms indicates organic matter is breaking down, enriching the soil. Fungi help convert organics into usable nutrients for other plants.

It is not uncommon for a yard to contain animal waste, dead grass, dead leaves, old decaying tree trunks, or even subterranean roots.

Mushrooms break down organic materials like animal waste, dead grass, leaves, tree trunks, and roots, providing nutrients for other plants.

Fungi thrive in poorly draining yards and shady lawns. Lawns with excessive thatch retain moisture and add nutrients, exacerbating the issue.

Yards with animals like dogs, cats, chickens, or goats can create organic debris, providing an ideal environment for mushrooms to grow.

How Do Mushrooms Reproduce and Spread?

Mushrooms spread through tiny wind-traveling spores that create new colonies upon landing.

According to UCLA researcher Marcus Roper, mushrooms generate ‘wind’ to disperse spores by evaporating moisture, creating cool air and water vapor.

This lifts the spores, and the mushroom’s ‘wind’ can carry them up to four inches.

During dry or stressful seasons, spores go dormant, awaiting favorable conditions to start new colonies.

Spore Rain (mushrooms reproduction)

How Fast Do Mushrooms Grow?

Mushrooms are some of the quickest growers in your garden, with small ones appearing in a day and larger ones taking 3-4 days to mature.

Temperature and moisture content are two environmental factors that will affect the rate of growth.

You can eliminate lawn mushrooms in several ways. While preventive steps help, consider these essential lawn care practices for long-term success.

9 Tips On How To Get Rid of Mushrooms In Yards Permanently

To keep your lawn mushroom-free, here’s a list of effective ways to get rid of mushrooms and prevent their growth.

1. Improve Your Lawn Drainage

Since mushrooms thrive in moisture, start by enhancing yard drainage through lawn aeration and, if needed, adding sand to the soil.

Finding a good lawn aerator tool will allow you to provide the necessary drainage to make sure your lawn does not stay moist or damp.

Time Commitment:Aerating your lawn can take two hours, depending on the size of your lawn.
Pros:– Allows the soil to drain and dry out faster.
– Prevents thatch buildup
– Helps roots get the nutrients they need.
– Can be cheap if you decide to DIY.
Cons:– If your soil is dry and compact, it could require more effort than usual.
– If done in the wrong season it could cause issues. It’s best to aerate your lawn in the Autumn season.

2. Dethatching Your Lawn

Dethatching your lawn means removing thick organic materials like dead grass, mulched leaves, and other debris that hasn’t decayed.

When organic material becomes too thick and impenetrable, it’s time to dethatch your lawn. This process also helps to get rid of mushrooms in lawns.

If you have a significant thatch problem, consider these tool options to dethatch your lawn:

  • Leaf rakeA simple leaf rake is a great tool to dethatch your lawn. Keep in mind all manual rakes can be labor-intensive.
  • Bow rakeThis is a more rigid garden rake with a metal head. It is sturdier than a leaf rake to use for dethatching your lawn and keeping your yard clean.
  • Dethatching rakeThis specialty rake is designed with a head with rows of straight-edged tines on both sides to clear dead matter in the lawn. This is a more robust rake with a specific role.
Time Commitment:Dethatching your lawn can take at least one day depending on the size of your lawn.
Pros:– Allows the soil to drain and dry out faster.
– Prevents thatch buildup
– Helps prevent and reduce soil compaction
– Can be cheap if you decide to DIY.
Cons:– Time-consuming compared to other methods.
– Needs More Water Initially.
– Makes the soil more susceptible to weeds
– Can make grass vulnerable to frost.

3. Only Water in the Early Mornings

Water your grass in the early morning to allow the soil to absorb nutrients throughout the day. Watering in the morning allows the soil to absorb nutrients throughout the day. Avoid watering your grass late in the day or evening because it creates a damp environment overnight, which mushrooms thrive in.

Only water when necessary; too much moisture can promote mushroom growth in your yard.

Time Commitment:You should water your lawn between 10 and 35 minutes depending on the size.
Pros:– Allows the soil to drain and dry out faster.
– Prevents thatch buildup
– Helps prevent and reduce soil compaction
– Can be cheap if you decide to DIY.
Cons:– Time-consuming compared to other methods.
– Needs More Water Initially.
– Makes the soil more susceptible to weeds
– Can make grass vulnerable to frost.

4. Mow your lawn and keep grass short

Long grass often causes moisture buildup, leading to lawn mushrooms. To prevent mushrooms, keep your soil dry by mowing regularly. Mowing shortens your grass and improves soil airflow and light.

Time Commitment:Mowing your yard typically takes between 30 minutes and one hour depending on the size of your lawn.
Pros:– Allows the soil to dry out faster.
– Prevents moisture buildup
– Can be cheap if you decide to DIY.
Cons:– Time-consuming depending on the size of the yard
– Mowing grass too short can kill your grass
– Can make grass vulnerable to frost.

5. Clear the lawn of organic matter

Clearing away organic debris like grass clippings and fallen leaves prevents moisture buildup and prevents mushrooms on your lawn.

Fungus live underground, and mushrooms love moisture, so by removing debris that causes moisture to build up in your lawn, you can stop mushroom spores from growing.

Time Commitment:Removing debris from your yard can take 30 minutes or more depending on the amount of organic material you have.
Pros:– Allows the soil to dry out faster.
– Prevents moisture buildup
– Can be cheap if you decide to DIY.
– Improves the aesthetics of your yard.
Cons:– Time-consuming depending on the size of the yard and amount of debris
– May be expensive depending on if you need to haul away debris

6. Lift mushrooms by hand

Lifting mushrooms by hand is easy, but if not done correctly, they may come back soon. To kill the mushrooms, first put latex gloves on to keep any spores off of your hands while you work. Next, use your hand or a small trowel to remove each mushroom from the ground.

Lastly, place the mushrooms in a plastic bag and dispose of them to prevent spore spread. Remember not to compost them, as it can harm your compost.

Time Commitment:Removing mushrooms by hand may take 30 minutes or more depending on the number of mushrooms in your lawn.
Pros:– Easy to perform.
– Quickly removes mushrooms
– Can be cheap if you decide to DIY.
– Improves the aesthetics of your yard.
Cons:– Time-consuming depending on the size of the yard and number of mushrooms
– Requires caution as you could cause the spread of mushrooms

7. Apply High-Nitrogen Fertilizer

Applying a high nitrogen fertilizer will speed up the decomposition of organic material that mushrooms feed on, shortening their lifespan.

You can find nitrogen fertilizers for your grass to help get rid of lawn mushrooms. You can apply the fertilizer using a sprayer or by hand, just make sure you wear gloves.

Time Commitment:Applying fertilizer may take 30 minutes or more depending on the size of your lawn.
Pros:– Easy to perform.
– Can be cheap and effective.
– Prevents growth of new mushrooms by killing fungi in the soil
Cons:– Not a natural solution
– Will not get rid of existing toadstools that have already sprouted

8. Increase the pH of Your Soil

Making your soil more alkaline will reduce mushrooms popping up around your lawn. Limestone and crushed eggshells can be used to get rid of different types of mushrooms while maintaining a healthy lawn.

Time Commitment:While increasing the pH in your soil may only take 30 minutes or more, it may take a while to see the effects.
Pros:– Easy to perform and does not require a lot of time.
– Can be cheap and effective if using crushed eggshells.
– Mushrooms may stop growing over time
Cons:– No immediate results
– May take longer than expected to kill mushrooms

9. Use a Fungicide to Kill Mushrooms

The mushrooms you see in your yard are like the ‘fruit’ of the fungi growing under the soil. Using a fungicide to kill these mushrooms won’t provide a permanent solution.

However, it can be used to kill the fungi growing beneath the soil.

There are several garden fungicides available for purchase that can be used to treat your lawn or yard. These should be used with caution in yards where children and pets play.

You can buy sprayer attachments for your garden hose to spray the affected areas.

Alternatively, you can dilute the product with water and use a backpack sprayer or pump sprayer. You can also use a granular product by sprinkling it across your lawn surface.

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Liquid Concentrate
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Hose Adaptor Spray

Over time, you should see the mushrooms diminish. Despite clearing the current infestation, this may not be a permanent solution, so you will need to use additional measures to prevent them from returning.

Pick and dispose of any visible mushrooms so they do not spread spores and clean your lawn areas of any decaying matter that could contribute to mushroom growth.

If household products don’t work well, consider hiring a professional to use stronger treatments on your lawn.

Time Commitment:Applying fungicide to your yard may take 30 minutes or more, depending on the size of your lawn.
Pros:– Easy to perform and does not require a lot of time.
– Can be relatively cheap and effective.
Cons:– No immediate results
– May require additional equipment to apply fungicide
– May be harmful to children or small pets.

3 Natural Ways To Kill Mushrooms On Lawns

The most natural way to remove mushrooms is to let them complete their life cycle. Mushrooms grow in decaying material, so when this process finishes, they will naturally die off and vanish.

Here are a few natural ways to make sure mushrooms don’t continue to grow in your lawn.

1. Vinegar

Vinegar, a natural fungicide, can effectively eliminate yard mushrooms. It contains acetic acid, which is also used in medical applications to treat bacterial and fungal infections.

Regular household vinegar is often too weak, so you should use horticultural vinegar, which is typically 30-50% concentrated.

Mix horticultural vinegar with 4 parts water for every 1 part vinegar. You can put it in a spray bottle for ease of application.

You will probably want to wear eye protection and gloves because vinegar at this strength can burn skin.

horticultural vinegar
Horticultural Vinegar

Simply spraying mushrooms with a vinegar solution will kill them. It may also kill surrounding grass, so spray carefully. You may want to work on a test area and leave it for a few days to check the effect it has on your lawn.

2. Baking Soda

For a more gentle approach, try to use baking soda. Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is another natural preventative treatment for mushrooms.

When diluted with water and sprayed onto fungi it acts to disrupt the growth and prevent growth. So baking Soda is more of a preventative approach than a cure.

Baking soda isn’t a fungicide, but it can help by raising the soil’s pH and inhibiting mushroom growth. It is not a permanent solution, but it is gentle, safe, and effective.

Mix two tablespoons of baking soda in a gallon of water until it dissolves. Spray the mixture onto the mushrooms and the surrounding soil. Over time, this will reduce further growth.

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Baking Soda

Alternatively, you can sprinkle baking soda directly on the mushrooms and the soil and water it in.

You may need to repeat this method regularly to see results, however, it is both inexpensive and safe to use around children and pets.

Just take note that any significant changes to the soil’s pH level could inhibit the growth of other plants in the immediate area.

3. Dish Soap

Another simple and natural solution for dealing with mushrooms is to use dish soap.

Mix one or two tablespoons of any commercial dish soap with up to three gallons of water. With a screwdriver, poke holes in the soil around the mushrooms.

Pour the soapy water over the mushrooms and into the holes to disrupt the fungi’s life cycle below the soil surface.

Repeat this process several times a day for a week, and you will see a fast reduction in your mushroom colonies. The key to making this work is to make sure the soapy water gets down deep into the soil where the fungi live.

Are Mushrooms In My Lawn Dangerous?

The mushrooms growing in your yard are not harmful to your lawn; they are beneficial as they break down organic matter into nutrients easily absorbed by your grass.

The mushrooms will not spread diseases in your yard and are likely to vanish once the organic matter has decomposed, leaving nothing for the fungi to feed on. However, I would not consider them to be edible mushrooms.

Over 100 mushroom species are toxic, leading to symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain. Certain toxic mushrooms can lead to kidney failure, while the deadliest ones can result in liver failure and death.

death cap mushroom

Amanita Phalloides

According to Harvard University, the most poisonous is the Death Cap or amanita phalloides.

They look perfectly benign and may even resemble the delicious varieties that you purchase at the grocery store.

That’s why it’s crucial to avoid consuming wild mushrooms; they are hard to identify, and the risk of severe illness or death is too great.

Symptoms of mushroom poisoning can appear within 20 minutes to 24 hours after eating. In cases of amanita poisoning, initial digestive symptoms may be followed by a brief period of recovery.

Within hours or days after ingestion, septic shock, internal bleeding, and liver failure may occur. Unfortunately, there are no medications to counteract this type of poisoning.

Always instruct children not to handle or consume mushrooms found in the yard or the wild. If you suspect someone has ingested a mushroom, seek urgent medical help.

Common Types Of Mushrooms That Grow In Your Lawn

There are over 10,000 types of fungi, with some being completely harmless and others posing a real health risk.

Below is a list of common garden mushrooms with pictures for identification.

Lawn Mushroom Identification Pictures


Lawyer’s Wig (Coprinus comatus)

Lawyer’s Wig, also called shaggy ink cap or Coprinus. This type of mushroom grows in tall cylinders with shaggy edges, making it look like a wig. When it is time for this species of mushroom to release its spores, it turns from white to inky black. It quickly releases the spores, then shrivels and dies.


Green-spored Lepiota (Chlorophyllum molybdites)

lawn mushroom that is toxic to pets and humans. It spans 2-4 inches but can reach up to 10 inches. A thick white mushroom with white gills, becoming green-gray as the mushroom matures. Very common throughout the United States, but more prevalent in Southern regions. Risk to children and pets.


Puffball (Calvatia)

Puffball is a type of mushroom that lacks stems, caps, or gills and appears as a round puffball. Some can even grow up to a foot across. If you step on a puffball, you may be surprised by a small cloud of dark brown spores released from the hole in its top.

mushroom Fairy_Ring

Fairy Rings (Mushroom Formation)

There are more than 60 species of mushrooms that can make a fairy ring in your yard. A fairy ring starts with a central food source, such as a rotting tree stump. The fungi spread out beneath the soil from the stump, and mushrooms, which are the visible part of these fungi, grow in circles or waves around the food source.

Final Thoughts: How To Get Rid Of Mushrooms In Your Lawn

Although mushrooms will not harm your yard, they can certainly be unsightly, and they can also be poisonous to people and pets. For that reason alone, it is wise to remove them as quickly and safely as possible.

I have shared several methods to remove mushrooms from your lawn by combining various techniques for prevention and elimination. As soon as you spot any visible fungi, remove them by hand to prevent spore production.

You can consider eliminating organic matter, changing your watering schedule to the morning, or using fungicide to eliminate hidden spores.

By stopping them at the source, you can stop the spread of mushrooms in your lawn and yard.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Should I remove mushrooms from my lawn?

It is not necessary to remove every mushroom from your lawn. Most yard mushrooms are harmless and play a beneficial role in the ecosystem by breaking down organic matter.

However, if you find them unsightly or if you have children or pets who may be tempted to touch or consume them, it is advisable to remove them promptly.

Why is my lawn full of mushrooms?

The presence of mushrooms in your lawn is typically a sign of favorable conditions for fungal growth. Mushrooms thrive in damp, shaded areas with organic matter, such as decaying roots, thatch, or mulch.

Excessive moisture, poor drainage, overwatering, or compacted soil can contribute to mushroom growth in your lawn.

Does soapy water kill lawn mushrooms?

Soapy water can help control lawn mushrooms to some extent, but it may not completely eliminate them. A mixture of mild dish soap and water can be sprayed directly on the mushrooms to disrupt their growth.

However, it is important to note that this method primarily targets the visible mushrooms and does not address the underlying causes of their growth.

Should I be worried about mushrooms in my lawn?

In general, most mushrooms found in lawns are harmless and pose no significant risk. However, it is crucial to be cautious as some wild mushrooms can be toxic and cause severe illness or even death if ingested.

It is recommended to educate yourself and your family, especially children, about the potential dangers of wild mushrooms and to discourage touching or consuming any mushrooms found in your lawn.

Do mushrooms Grow Back After You Pick Them?

Yes, mushrooms will regrow after picking. However, it is important to clarify the mushroom is simply the fruit of the mycelium root network within the ground. So the mushroom you have picked may not have shed spores to reproduce.

But, if left untreated with a fungicide or similar treatment you can be sure the mycelium or other mushroom spores will get to work and produce more fungi.