10 Best Mulching Lawn Mowers | Gas and Electric

There are many different types of mowers on the market, and you may be surprised to find out just how many features are available on modern mowers. One of which is Mulching.

The mulching function is seen as a huge advantage by many people, so I wanted to review the best mulching lawn mowers on the market right now and touch on the pros and cons of the mulching design over a standard discharge mower. 

With that being said let’s get into the detail. 

Best Mulching Lawn Mower

Before I do the deep dive I appreciate some of you just want to know the expert top pick, so here are the three best mulching lawn mowers. Despite its colossal size, I love the Toro Personal Pace 30-Inch mower. 

But for a lightweight mower with excellent cutting and really impressive battery run-time, the Ego Power+ range is unbeatable.

Toro Personal Pace TimeMaster 30” Gas Lawn Mower

Best Premium Gas Mower

Toro Personal Pace TimeMaster 30” Mower

This gentle giant is easy to handle considering a 30-inch deck with 15″ dual-blades. It gets the job done…fast.

EGO Power+ Select Cut 21-in 56 V Mulching Mower

Best Battery-Powered Mower

EGO Power+ Select Cut 21-in Mulching Mower

Excellent cutting performance and generous 10.0Ah 56V ARC Lithium Battery. 7 cutting heights 1.5 to 4.0-inches.

Greenworks 12 Amp 20-Inch 3-in-1 Corded Lawn Mower

Best Mower Under $200

Greenworks 12 Amp 20-Inch Corded Lawn Mower

Ideal for smaller lawns. Restricted maneuverability with power cord, but it’s hard to ignore this mower at this price. 

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What Is a Mulching Lawn Mower

You probably know a mulching lawnmower cuts the grass as a first action, and then chops it into tiny pieces allowing the clippings to rest on the ground. The cuttings don’t go into a bag or other container for disposal; instead, they are immediately dispersed throughout your yard to naturally decompose and feed your lawn.

This also reduces surface runoff and erosion, as well as helps keep your yard looking great! The blades on these types of mowers have holes in them that allow air to pass through while cutting. The air helps to dry out the clippings and makes it easier for them to break down so they decompose more quickly.

Deck Shape

This mulching function requires a slightly different mower design. The grass needs to be cut twice, once to trim the lawn and a second time to mulch the clippings. To achieve this feat of ingenuity some clever boffin recognized that you need to keep the grass clipping circulating in the air to come into contact with the mower blade a second time, after the initial cut. So the mower deck was made higher and more domed to allow for more space and air circulation. There are also baffles to increase airflow and direction. 

Mulching Blade

Mulching blades also assist in increasing the air time off the cut grass clippings. The so-called ‘recirculation blades’, are curved or feature a bend to propel the clipping and simultaneously cut them. 

Mulching blades are also slightly different from standard cutting blades. The mulching blade has multiple cutting points to increase the rate the suspended grass clipping is dissected.  

Standard Mower Blade
Standard Mower Blade
mulching mower blade
Mulching Blade

3 Function Mower: Mulch, Discharge, or Bag

A number of models now offer multiple functions from a single machine, allowing you to adjust the function based on your needs and preferences.

Commonly referred to as 3-in-1s, some mowers have three modes of function: 

  1. Bagging mode when you need to collect clippings
  2. Mulch mode when you want to recycle clippings into the lawn 
  3. Discharge mode when you want to blow clippings in a line, to the side

However, you need to be mindful that many 3-in-1 aims to be the jack-of-all-trades, but consequently, end up as ‘master of none. But you can rest assured all of the products in my list below are great machines that I have personal experience with. 

Choosing the Best Mulching Lawn Mower

Mulching lawnmowers are a great choice for keeping your grass healthy with minimum effort. Simply cut your lawn and leave the clipping to work their magic. The result…less watering, and fertilizer are required, and the natural thicker lawn help keep weed growth down.

However, not all mulching lawnmowers are created equal. There are many factors to consider when choosing the right product. I laid down the most important features to consider and understand before you buy.

Lawn Size and Terrain

The size of the job-in-hand will have a major bearing on what mulching mower you should be looking at. 

Anything under ¼ acre and all of the mowers on this list will be more than adequate (other than the Greenworks Corded), but for areas, larger areas will need to shop a little smarter. 

You see, battery run time, cutting deck width, and self-propulsion drive all become important considerations the larger and more uneven your terrain gets. 

A wide deck will allow you to cut more grass per pass, but this will mean a larger heavier mower. That’s where a self-propelled mower become invaluable, especially if you need to get up an incline. Whilst you following your mower up and down hills the last thing you need is for the battery to run out, leaving you to sit on the side-line waiting for a re-charge. So you need a high-capacity battery, maybe 10Ah. Or perhaps a gas mower is the order of the day, so you can refuel as you go.

I know… but don’t worry I’ve got each eventuality covered. You just need to read through the next section and take care to think about what it is that will suit your lawn so that you can enjoy success at the end of the day. You don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars to realize that your mower is not fit for purpose. 

Gas Vs Electric Mulching Mower

The great debate of outdoor power equipment…gas or battery power. To keep this simple. If the circumstances allow me to use battery power, then I will every time…here’s why: 

  • Just push a button to start the motor, every-time, first-attempt
  • No refueling or mixing gas and oil, or spillages
  • No harmful smelly emissions or noisy engines annoying me and the neighbors
  • No engine and parts servicing, meaning no downtime or additional costs

However, there are times when gas-powered tools win the day. Such as:

  • When you need extra power output, gas will beat electric under load
  • When working on very large or commercial grounds and batteries won’t last the day
  • When a really well-designed machine is only manufactured as a gas model

For residential use, battery-powered mowers would be my preferred choice, as they are quick to grab and get going. Plus they are cleaner, quieter, and need virtually no maintenance. Although pound for pound they are more expensive to buy than gas mowers. 

Engine Power (hp) Vs Motor (V)

If you’re still sitting on the fence and are not sure which way to go, I would like to be able to help you make your decision by giving you a way of comparing Gas and Electric power output. But sadly it’s not that simple. 

A gas engine’s power output is measured in horsepower (hp) and electric motor power is measured in Volts or Max Torque if you read the small print. Now I am a cynical guy and if the truth is told, this is because manufacturers know the day they show both technologies in Horse Power or another like for like metric, electric technology will get a bad name. 

As its power – under load – cannot match gas. However, as I have already outlined electricity has so many other great qualities. So what can we do about this for our comparison? In short, don’t worry about it unless you’re running your electric mower uphill. If so, aim to pick a 56V motor power or higher, and you will have plenty of torque in hand. 

Lithium Battery Run Time (Ah)

lithium lawn mower battery.

When it comes to batteries, the Amperage Per Hour (Ah) rating is important as it determines how long your battery will last before needing to be recharged. The higher the Ah rating, the longer your battery will last in use. 

Ah tells us how many amps the battery discharges per hour. So a 10.0Ah battery can discharge 10.0 Amp in an hour. If the mower motor is powered to draw 10 Amp per hour your battery will last 60 minutes. If the Motor draws 15 Amp per hour the battery will last 45 minutes. And so on…

The average run time you can expect is between 30-60 minutes for most battery-powered mowers. However, you can get batteries for up to 130 minutes on flat ground with short, dry grass. 

Long, heavier grass or an undulating lawn will run down your battery charge faster, as the mower has to work harder to get through it. 

Self-Propulsion Wheel Drive

Modern mowers can drive themselves to a certain degree. Self-propulsion is a function where a drive belt is connected between the mower blade crankshaft and a drive pulley located on the wheel axel. As the mower blade crankshaft turns, the drive belt drives the wheel axel to create the forward motion. 

It’s a great feature with an option for front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive, or all-wheel drive. Front-wheel drive is easier to control and rear-wheel drive offers more power or traction for inclines. 

You can expect to pay a premium for a quality self-propelled mower and given the function is powered by a drive belt, the belt itself is still prone to fail over time and may need replacing. However, this is simple enough to do yourself. 

Wheel Size

Lawnmower wheels are divided into two categories: high-wheel and low-wheel sizes. High-wheel models typically come with rear wheels that are 9 to 12 inches in diameter and front wheels that are 8 inches in diameter. Rear-wheel drive mowers are more common because they provide more traction and better performance on slopes than front-wheel-drive ones do. 

The low-wheel models, however, come with 8-inch wheels in front and at the back. In general, larger wheels provide more grip and level out bumps, saving you the effort of mowing uphill. Because of the additional altitude clearing feature, they’re also ideal for leveling out barriers or low-lying tough gardening.

Cutting Deck Width and Lawn Size

A standard cutting deck is around 18-22-inches. So think of it like this. If you have a small lawn area, go smaller say 15-inches. This allows you to maneuver tight spaces and keeps the mower weight low. 

If you have a large lawn, say ½ to 1 acre then I would be going to the large end of the scale and looking at the huge 30-inch cutting deck of the Toro TimeMaster. The clue is in the name. it will save around 30% of the cutting time. But it is heavier and slightly more effort to control…but not much. 

Cut Height Adjustment

The importance of cut height is often overstated. Most modern mowers offer something like 1-4-inches which will serve you for pretty much all residential situations. 

Bermuda grass ideally should be cut at 2 inches, whilst St Augustine grass is best cut at 3-4 inches to flourish. 

Deck Fabrication and Material

Most mulching lawnmowers have steel decks made from either high-strength plastic, composite,  steel, or aluminum materials that are lightweight yet durable. 

It’s a simple trade-off. If you want lightweight, then you can’t beat plastic, it’s so much light. If you need a rugged deck that can withstand bumping rock or hardscape then you will need to choose a metal-based cutting deck. 

Electric Start or Pull Start

Electric start engines are quickly becoming standard on all new models. They are much easier to kick into action than pull-cord models. However, there is a counterargument that it’s a complex system that can go wrong…electrics!

Come on guys, really! Look, give me a push-button start anytime over the pull cord. If you can find a mower that does everything you need and it has an electric start button, then my advice is to buy it. But don’t buy a poor mower just for the button or ignore a great mower due to it only having a pull-cord option.

Mower Storage Size

If you have limited storage space or simply like the idea of folding down your mower and stowing it out of the way, then options are available to you. The Toro SmartStow is one such machine.

It is a really good mower, and I could not leave it off my list, as I also like things in neat piles and stored nicely out of the way. 

Best Mulching Lawn Mower Reviews

Now, that I have discussed the factors you need to consider before choosing the best mulching lawn mowers, I will review some of these top products in this section. Let’s begin with my selection of the best mulching mowers. 

Toro Personal Pace TimeMaster 30” Gas Self-Propelled Mower
  • Type: Self Propelled
  • Power:  Gas Engine 223cc OHV
  • Run Time: 1 Acre, 60mins 
  • Deck Size: 30-Inch
  • Cutting Height: 1.25-2.25-Inch
  • Wheel Drive:  RWD
  • Discharge: Mulch, Bag, Side Discharge
  • Weight: 140 lbs


  • An exceptionally large dual blade cutting deck is very efficient for large lawns up to an acre
  • Surprisingly easy to control and maneuver despite the large deck size
  • Flexible power control Smart Drive gives a smooth and responsive self-propulsion
  • A powerful 223cc OHV Briggs & Stratton engine with electric push start


  • Not suited to tight spaces, as it does require room to maneuver 

Okay, let’s get straight to the elephant in the room. This is a giant mower with a 30-inch cutting deck. But don’t let that spook you. The Toro Personal Pace TimeMaster is a gentle giant.

It weighs in at 140lbs, which is a lot of weight to bench press… but not so much weight when it’s driven by a powerful and smooth self-propulsion drive system. This mower is well balanced and has a good power-to-weight ratio making it very easy to use. 

The first time I got my hands on this mower, I wasn’t sure how much I would like it, after all my mower at home is the Ego Power+, an electric mower. So I took the Toro TimeCutter out on a large expansive lawn, with some undulations and it blew me away. 

There is no doubt if you have a large open lawn to mow then I would have to put the Toro TimeCutter ahead of the Ego Power+. The PersonPace system is very responsive and will go with your walking tempo. 

Toro 30" TimeMaster 223cc Personal Pace Lawn Mower Review - 21199

It offers a powerful, high-performance engine to make short work of your lawn. The electric start feature makes it easy to get the job done quickly, while Smart Drive’s flexible power control allows you to choose the speed that’s right for you. This mower also has a dual 15-inch blade cutting system that delivers a beautiful cut that will make you want to show off your lawn.

The mower offers a 3-in-1 mulch function, with a very capable dual blade mulching setting that produced nice fine clippings. Alternatively, you can use a side discharge function in long grass or simply opt for bagging in late fall. 

This is a great mulching mower and one I can happily recommend as my top pick for anyone with a large open lawn. However, if you have a more modest lawn to cut, then I will find it hard to look past the EGO Power+ Mower so let’s get straight onto that…

2. EGO Power+ Select Cut 21-in 56 V Mower

Best Battery-Powered Mower

2. EGO Power+ Select Cut 21-in 56 V Self-Propelled Lawn Mower
  • Type: Self Propelled
  • Power: Battery powered
  • Run Time: 75 Mins, Battery 10.0Ah
  • Deck Size: 21-Inch
  • Cutting height:  1.5 inch- 4 inch.
  • Wheel Drive: RWD
  • Discharge: Mulching, Bagging, Side discharge 
  • Weight: 80b


  • Arguably the best residential lawn mower on the market and definitely the best electric mower.
  • You’ll appreciate how quiet this machine is while it’s running…ssshh listen
  • Features Mulching Blade, High Lift Bagging Blade, and Extended Runtime Blade 


  • None, seriously.

The EGO Power+ Select Mulching Mower is the best battery-operated mulching lawn mower on the market today bar none. Its powerful motor rival most gas-powered models and that’s saying something. 

To give you a comparison the Toro TimeCutter 30-inch gas mower produces 10.0 ft-lb of torque with its powerful 223cc OHV Briggs & Stratton engine. The Ego Power+ gives us 8.0 ft-lb of torque from a 56V motor. Yes, there’s a 20% power difference but considering we are comparing a powerful 30-ich gas mower with a 21-Inch electric mower, that’s impressive. 

It can handle any length or type of grass without any problem at all. The only thing I don’t like about this mower is that it doesn’t have a blade-stop so you have to walk over every cut row when done mowing to turn off the motor – not a huge deal though!

21” Select Cut™ Lawn Mower

This mower is a great choice for anyone looking for an agile, lightweight, self-propelled mower that can mow up to 5,000 square feet on a single charge. The fact that the body of this mower is plastic may put some people off, I get it. But in practice this mower is solid. It’s also easy to control, meaning you won’t find yourself bumping into obstacles creating damage.  

This EGO Lawn Mower also has an easy-to-read digital display that shows how much power is left in the battery so you can know when it’s time to recharge. The 10.0Ah battery is very effective and will get you 75 minutes of run time, and charges in 60 minutes. You can buy additional battery cells if you have a very large area to cut. 

This lawnmower offers everything you need in a quality, self-propelled, mulching mower for around $800.

3. Greenworks 12 Amp 20-Inch 3-in-1 Electric Corded Lawn Mower
  • Type: Self Propelled
  • Power: Chorded Electric 12 amp
  • Run Time: Unlimited
  • Deck Size: 20-Inch
  • Cutting Height: 1 1/2-Inch to 3 3/4-Inch
  • Wheel Drive: RWD
  • Discharge: Side, Mulching, Bagging 
  • Weight: 56.00 lbs


  • For under $200 you are getting a lot of features including side discharge, rear bag, and mulching capabilities
  • If you can get away with a corded mower, then this mower has an infinite power source


  • Does not ship with an outdoor extension cord. You need to buy this separately. 

Greenworks make some great mid-range outdoor power tools, and this 20-inch corded mulching mower is right up there with the flagship products. It’s not the most expensive, nor the most feature-packed, but it’s a great mulching mower and for under $200 it’s incredible. Perfect for small lawns.

It features a 20-inch steel deck with a 12-amp motor that cuts up to 1/2 acre on one charge. But you have to be realistic the power cord won’t let you reach that far, but for smaller lawns, there’s plenty of juice in the tank. 

It is an excellent mulching lawn mower for homeowners who want to save money and get a good quality cut. It’s should be noted that this mower does not shop with an outdoor extension cable, so you will need to buy this separately. I would recommend a 100ft cord for most small yards will be fine. 

I love how it’s so easy to use and very light at 56lbs. You can weave in and out of garden furniture or other obstacles, it has a push-button start and does not need any battery charging. 

Let’s be honest you cannot even begin to compare the Greenworks mower to the Ego Power+ or the Toro mower. It is like comparing a Jaguar to a Mule. But sometimes the mule does everything you need and makes it really easy, and costs under $200.

4. Honda 21-In 170cc Steel Deck Self Propelled 3-in-1 Lawn Mower
  • Type: Self-propelled push mower
  • Power:  Gas Engine 170cc
  • Run Time: 3/4 Acres, .3-Gallon Tank
  • Deck Size: 21-Inch
  • Cutting Height: 0.75 – 3.5-inch
  • Wheel Drive:  RWD
  • Discharge: Mulch or rear bag or side discharge
  • Weight: 82lbs


  • Features the excellent Honda GCV170 engine 170cc
  • Easy to use, easy to clean, easy to maintain
  • A large fuel tank that provides plenty of runtime between refills


  • It-Not great for thick grass or wet grass in long stretches

This Honda HRN216 mower is loaded with features and driven by a 170cc engine that can deliver plenty of power during tough working conditions. It has adjustable cutting heights between 0.75 to 3.5 inches and features an automatic, single lever height adjustment system that makes it easy to change the height setting in just one action.

Honda HRN216 VKA Lawn Mower Operation

If you’re looking for a high-quality gas mover for around $500, then this Honda is my top recommendation. You will no doubt be aware of Honda’s reputation for building mowers that outlive their owners LOL. 

It’s self-propelled with 5-speed settings and is highly maneuverable. The steel deck is durable and long-lasting. It offers the 3-in-1 function we need from a mulching lawn mower; mulching capabilities, rear bagger, and side discharger.

The front wheels are 8 inches wide and have ball bearings for added durability and stability when cutting thick grasses or tackling uneven terrain such as hillsides or slopes without slipping or binding up while going uphill or downhill.

Its large cutting deck makes it easy to cut even the largest lawns. The mulch option works well and doesn’t leave any clumps of grass behind. The self-propelled feature isn’t as smooth as the Ego Power+ or the Toro Timecutter’s.

If you’re looking for a mower that can tackle any task, and hit a sensible price point then the Honda has to be considered. 

5. Toro 60v Flex-Force 22 in 60V Battery Lawn Mower
  • Type: Self Propelled
  • Power: Electric 60V
  • Run Time: 2 hours, Battery 6.0Ah
  • Deck Size: 22-Inch
  • Cutting Height: 4-Inch
  • Wheel Drive:  RWD
  • Discharge: Rear 
  • Weight: 85lbs


  • Lightweight
  • It’s easy to maneuver around your yard
  • Forty minutes of battery run-time per charge
  • An adjustable handlebar
  • The dual blade system for even coverage.


  • Only works for about an hour on a single charge

This is another great option if you live in an apartment or condo. This cordless mower runs off of batteries. It has good power for its size and can handle most lawns easily without bogging down or slowing down. It is a great option for those who have a small yard.

This battery-powered mower can be used to mow up to a half-acre of grass, which is more than enough for most yards.

The mower comes with a 22” cutting width and 4-inch cutting height. This allows you to customize your cut based on the height of your grass.

It also has an automatic dual blade system that ensures even coverage and precision cutting every time. This means you don’t have to worry about uneven patches or missed spots in your yard anymore!

The battery lasts long enough for one person to mow the average lawn once before needing to be recharged, which takes about two hours with an included charger.

6. Honda 21-In Nexite Deck Self Propelled Gas 4-in-1 Versamow
  • Type: Self Propelled
  • Power: Gas Engine 200cc
  • Run Time: 0 Acres, 00 Mins, Battery 0.0Ah
  • Deck Size: 21-Inch
  • Cutting Height: 0.75-4-Inch
  • Wheel Drive: RWD
  • Discharge: Mulch, Rear, Side, Bag
  • Weight: 99lbs


  • It comes with a powerful engine
  • Mulching, side discharging, and rear bagging options
  • Self-propelled 
  • Easy to maneuver around obstacles and under trees


  • It is expensive 
  • Self-propelled but lacks sufficient power in large areas of grass or hills.

The Next Deck Self-Propelled Gas mower is a great lawn mower that can handle any terrain. It has a powerful 190cc engine and is self-propelled, which means you don’t have to push the mower when it gets too heavy or when you get tired. The mower also comes with four different settings so you can pick the best one for your yard.

If you prefer a self-propelled model, I recommend the Honda 21-In Nexite mower because it’s extremely easy to use and has three modes that provide various levels of assistance while walking behind the mower.

The Honda 21 in Nexite Deck mower is a good choice for a self-propelled mower that offers versatility. 

The Makita 36V LXT Lawn Mower, on the other hand, is designed with professional landscapers in mind. This model has a high lift blade so you can mow tough grass without worrying about burnout or damage to the motor from overuse.

7. Makita 36V LXT Lawn Mower Self Propelled Commercial 21"
  • Type: Self-propelled 
  • Power: Battery-powered 4 x 5.0 Ah
  • Run Time:  2/3 acre, 60min
  • Deck Size: 22-Inch
  • Cutting Height: 1-1/4” – 4”
  • Wheel Drive:  RWD
  • Discharge: Mulch, Side, Rear Bag
  • Weight: 94lbs


  • It is easy to handle
  • Comes with a powerful motor, mulching, side discharge, and rear bag capabilities
  • Ergonomic handlebars for easy maneuverability 
  • Easy assembly for quick start-up time
  • Powerful battery and fast battery charging.


  • It is heavy and bulky
  • Difficult to store in small spaces or transport
  • The lack of safety features makes it only suitable for adult use.

The Makita 36V LXT Lawn Mower is a great mulching lawn mower that can be used for both commercial and residential purposes. It is powered by a 36V lithium-ion battery, making it one of the most powerful mowers on this list. The 22-inch deck allows you to cut down more grass than other similar models, while the self-propelled feature allows you to cover more area in less time.

It is a good choice if you want to save time and effort on your lawn. It features a powerful motor and an impressive battery so you can mulch for up to two hours on a single charge. You’ll get the job done faster than ever before with this self-propelled lawn mower.

8. Toro SMARTSTOW 22 in 150cc Gas Self-Propelled Mower
  • Type: Self Propelled
  • Power: Gas Engine 150cc
  • Run Time: 1/4-1/2 acre 
  • Deck Size: 22-Inch
  • Cutting Height: 1-4-Inch
  • Wheel Drive: RWD, 
  • Discharge: Rear, Mulching, Bag 
  • Weight: 1.52lbs


  • It is very easy to use
  • Simple design and easy operation feature
  • Manual start feature
  • Sturdy and durable


  • For me, I didn’t find any cons associated with this product

This self-propelled gas mower has a narrow profile that makes it easy to get around tight corners and under bushes. The engine runs quietly, so you can use it early in the morning or late at night without disturbing neighbors or family members. It comes with an adjustable cutting height of 1″ to 4″, so you can select the ideal height for your particular lawn care needs.

The SmartStow feature allows you to fold and store your mower easily when not in use and makes it easier for homeowners who want to store their mowers inside during the winter months or when they are not using them frequently.

9. DeWalt 21 in. 20V Electric Self-Propelled Mower 2x12 Ah
  • Type:  Self Propelled
  • Power: Electric 20V
  • Run Time:   1/2 Acres, 65 mins, 12.0Ah
  • Deck Size: 21-Inch
  • Cutting Height: 1 1/2 – 4 1/2-Inch
  • Wheel Drive: RWD
  • Discharge: bag, mulch, and side discharge
  • Weight: lbs


  • A strong engine that can cut through tall grass and weeds with ease
  • It also has a self-propelled feature that makes it much easier to use than other cordless mowers. 


  • The battery doesn’t last very long, so if you’re going to be cutting your grass on a regular basis, you will probably need to buy an extra battery
  • The mower is only compatible with batteries from DeWalt.

This is an electric mower that offers the same power as gas models but without fumes or noise pollution. It comes with two 12-volt batteries that last 70 minutes each on a full charge, which means you won’t need to recharge them often if you use them only occasionally during the week or weekend (for example). 

The DeWalt also offers a bagging option so you don’t have to worry about dumping clippings into a trash can afterward. It comes with a 21″ cutting width which allows it to cover a lot of ground quickly without having to make multiple passes over your lawn. 

The DeWalt self-propelled electric lawn mower is designed to be light and easy to use. It requires little maintenance or upkeep. This is a good mower for people who don’t want the hassle of gas, oil, and cords. 

But if you’re looking for power and torque, this isn’t the mower for you. The Toro SMARTSTOW Mower is a great option if you’re looking for a lawn mower that will do the job but won’t break the bank. It is designed for large yards with lots of obstacles like trees, shrubs, and flower beds.  

If you’d rather not have to deal with gas or electricity, Greenworks 40V 16″ Cordless Electric Lawn Mower, might be right up your alley.

10. Greenworks 40V 16" Cordless Electric Lawn Mower, 4.0Ah
  • Type: Manual Push
  • Power: Battery-powered 40V
  • Run Time:  45 Mins, Battery 4.0Ah
  • Deck Size: 16-Inch
  • Cutting Height: 1-1/4″ to 3-3/8-Inch
  • Wheel Drive: RWD
  • Discharge: Mulching and Rear 
  • Weight: 37.5 lbs


  • Great price point 
  • Lightweight design
  • Enough power behind it to tackle any lawns regardless of size or terrain type (flat or hilly). 


  • Lacks side discharge capabilities—so if you want to cut more than just your grass, there are better options out there.

The Greenworks 40V Electric Cordless Lawn Mower comes with a three-in-one cutting system that allows for bagging, mulching, and side discharge. It’s powered by an efficient lithium-ion battery that charges quickly and delivers more power per charge than other batteries on the market today.

The mower is equipped with a 12-amp motor that has enough power to cut through thick grass. It has an adjustable handlebar, making it easier to get into tight spots.

This cordless Electric Lawn Mower offers a lightweight design that makes it easy to maneuver around tight spaces and over uneven terrain. 

 The 16” cutting width allows users to cover more area in one pass without having to empty bags often like other models might require them to do so.

Verdict: Best Mulching Lawn Mower

The Toro Personal Pace TimeMaster 30″ Gas Lawn Mower is my top choice of the best mulching lawn mower because it excels at mulching and bagging while still being extremely affordable compared to other high-end models. The large deck size of 30 inches means you can work on large yards without worrying about bogging down or stopping frequently during use.

Toro Personal Pace TimeMaster 30” Gas Lawn Mower

Best Premium Gas Mower

Toro Personal Pace TimeMaster 30” Gas Lawn Mower

This gentle giant is easy to handle considering a 30-inch deck with 15″ dual blades. It gets the job done…fast.

EGO Power+ Select Cut 21-in 56 V Mulching Mower

Best Battery-Powered Mower

EGO Power+ Select Cut 21-in 56 V Mulching Mower

Excellent cutting performance and generous 10.0Ah 56V ARC Lithium Battery. 7 cutting heights 1.5 to 4.0-inches.

Greenworks 12 Amp 20-Inch 3-in-1 Corded Lawn Mower

Best Mower Under $200

Greenworks 12 Amp 20-Inch 3-in-1 Corded Lawn Mower

Ideal for smaller lawns. Restricted maneuverability with power cord, but it’s hard to ignore this mower at this price. 

It has a powerful motor that can handle almost any grass, whether it’s thick or thin and tall or short. It also has an adjustable cutting height that allows you to get the perfect cut every time. It has a high mulching capability and it can handle a variety of different types of grasses.

The EGO Power+ Select Mulching Mower is our second runner-up as the best battery-operated mulching lawn mower due to its powerful motor and excellent performance capabilities that rival most gas-powered models! It also has an adjustable speed control you can use to choose how fast or slow you want your mower to go. This makes it ideal for large yards and smaller ones where maneuverability is essential.

My third recommendation is the Greenworks 12 Amp Corded Lawn Mower. It offers an amazing value for your money and it comes with the same features as some expensive gas-powered models at a fraction of the cost!

Benefits of Using a Mulching Lawn Mower

There are several benefits of using a mulching lawn mower:

Saves Time And Money

One of the biggest benefits is the fact that it saves you time and money. The mulching lawn mower can cut down on the amount of time it takes to maintain your grass, and it can give you more time to do other things in your life. 

Lower Fuel Consumption

Mulching mowers don’t throw clippings back onto the lawn as do other types of mowers such as baggers or side discharge models. This means that you’ll use less gas to run them, which will save you money over time.

Less Need For Fertilizer

When grass clippings are returned to the soil, they act as fertilizer and help keep your lawn healthy. 

Higher Productivity Per Acre

Mulching lawn mowers produce better results because they deliver more nutrients directly to plant roots where they are needed most.

Healthier Soil

Mulching also creates healthier soil, which means your lawn will be more resistant to weeds, pests, and diseases. 

Reduces Pollution

Another benefit of using a mulching lawn mower is that it reduces pollution by reducing fuel consumption and emissions from gas-powered lawn equipment.

Reduces Fertilizer Use

It reduces the need for aeration and topdressing, which are often necessary with other types of mowers.

Mulch in Spring, Summer, and Bag in Fall

You can mulch all year long if you want to keep up with it, but you should mulch most heavily during the spring and summer months when your grass has more moisture in it from rain or irrigation systems. This makes it easier for the mower to chop up clippings into smaller pieces that will decompose faster than if they were left on top of dry blades of grass.

If you live in an area where snow is common, you may want to mulch instead of bagging your grass clippings during the winter months. This will prevent snow from accumulating on top of your mower deck, which could cause damage if it melts inside your machine during springtime use.

Leave the bag off when mulching in spring or summer so that you don’t have to worry about emptying it frequently. Just don’t forget to put the bag back on before fall so that your leaves don’t end up all over your yard!

FAQs Mulching Lawn Mowers